Every 3 seconds, gain + 10 Bash Damage, stacking up to 10 times. All charges are consumed on use.
+ 15% Reload Speed + 25% Aim Speed + 25% Weapon Swap Speed + 25% Use Speed
While crouching you neither take nor deal Friendly Fire damage. + 10 Health
+ 20% Accuracy + 10% Weakspot Damage + 15% Aim Speed + 15% Recoil control
+ 10% Weakspot Damage Allows players to see values for damage they deal and enemy health bars.
When you stow your weapon, it reloads.
Your secondary weapons have unlimited ammo. Your secondary weapons reload 20% slower.
Kills with Secondary guns have a 5% chance to spawn ammo, Molotov, or a Bait Jar.
Each bullet hit causes the target to take 1% increased damage for 3 seconds (stacks up to 15%)
+ 25% Damage - 30% Health
+ 7.5% Bullet Damage + 200% Bullet Penetration
+ 1 Offensive Inventory + 25% Swap Speed - 5% Offensive Accessory Cost
+ 12% Move Speed + 15% Sprint Speed When you take damage, you lose the benefits of Run like Hell for 3 seconds.
+ 25% Weapon Swap Speed + 15% Recoil Control + 15% Accuracy
+ 50% Weakspot Damage - 40% Move Speed while shooting or melee attacking.