Each Melee swing grants 5% Melee Speed and 5% Melee Stamina Efficiency for 6 seconds, stacking up to 10 times.
Your Melee Attacks no longer stick in tough enemies.
DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
Fleet of foot
+ 8% Move Speed
Marathon runner
No Movement Penalty for strafe and backpedal.
Melee hits cause the target to take 3% increased damage, to a maximum of 15% increased damage.
Melee hits that destroy Armor have a chance to create usable Makeshift Armor.
Run like hell
+ 12% Move Speed
+ 15% Sprint Speed
When you take damage, you lose the benefits of Run like Hell for 3 seconds.
Bounty Hunter
When you or your team kills a Mutation, gain 10 Copper (up to 300 per level).
Lucky pennies
Whenever you or your team loots Copper, you have a 35% chance to find 100% additional Copper.