This deck for quickplay or general random public games.
Pair with any 2 primary weapon of your choices,
Just spam shot your heart away and swap.
Extra starting offensive slot, pick and use your offensive.
no hopepistolshotgunSMGrifleLMGsniper
50%0 vote
Admin reload
When you stow your weapon, it reloads.
Two is one and one is none
You can equip a Primary weapon in your Secondary slot.
- 25% Swap Speed
When you or your team kills a Mutation gain 1% damage (up to 15%) until the end of the level.
+ 50% Weakspot Damage
- 40% Move Speed while shooting or melee attacking.
Tunnel vision
Every 0.75 seconds you Aim Down Sights gives 5% Weakspot Damage (up to 3 stacks).
+ 50% Aim Speed
- 5% Damage Resistance
Fill 'em full of lead
While shooting, gain 1% Damage, 1% Fire Rate, and 5% Swap Speed every 0.25 seconds. Max count of buffs is 20.
Lucky pennies
Whenever you or your team loots Copper, you have a 35% chance to find 100% additional Copper.
Gain a stacking 4% increase to Damage each time a Horde is called up to 6 stacks (30-second cooldown between Hordes). Stacks are reset when a Cleaner is incapped or killed.
Copper Scavenger
You can sense nearby Copper.
More Copper Piles spawn.
On your mark...
Team effects
When a horde is triggered, your team restores 10% Ammo and gains 10% Move Speed while firing, 15% Reload Speed, and 25% Swap Speed for 30 seconds.
Down In Front!
While crouching you neither take nor deal Friendly Fire damage.
+ 10 Health