+ 75% Accessory Damage - 25% Swap Speed
You can sense nearby Offensive Accessories.
More Offensive Accessories spawn.
Pain Meds you apply also grant + 25% Damage for 60 seconds.
At the start of each level, heal 15 Trauma Damage, then restore any missing Health.
+ 25% Ammo Capacity + 2.5% Bullet Damage
+ 10% Team Ammo Capacity + 3.5% Team Damage
+ 100% Stamina Regeneration - 50% Maximum Stamina
You can sense nearby Ammo.
More ammo spawns.
+ 1 Offensive Inventory + 25% Swap Speed - 5% Offensive Accessory Cost
You can shoot while sprinting.
You can sense nearby Copper.
More Copper Piles spawn.
+ 2 Offensive Inventory
+ 45% Move Speed while firing. + 3% Move Speed while not firing.
+ 30% Pistol/SMG Ammo Capacity + 10% Damage with Pistols and SMGs
+ 15% Trauma Resistance + 5 Health + 20% Fire resistance