+ 75% Ammo Capacity - 5% Move Speed
+ 10% Damage Resistance + 5 Health - 20% Stamina Efficiency
Allows the ability to unbolt attachments from weapons outside of Saferooms. Unbolting attachments cost 400 Copper.
Additional copies of Weaponsmith played reduce its cost by 100 Copper.
Your secondary weapons have unlimited ammo. Your secondary weapons reload 20% slower.
+ 1 Offensive Inventory + 25% Swap Speed - 5% Offensive Accessory Cost
+ 20% Trauma Resistance
+ 50% Accessory Damage - 15% Ammo Capacity
You can sense nearby Offensive Accessories.
More Offensive Accessories spawn.
+ 75% Accessory Damage - 25% Swap Speed
+ 5% Bullet Damage + 1.5 Bullet Stumble Damage + 7.5 Melee Stumble Damage
Kills with Secondary guns have a 5% chance to spawn ammo, Molotov, or a Bait Jar.
+ 25% Accessory Damage
+ 100% Fire Damage Kills with fire grant you 3 Temporary Health. You can sense flammable objects nearby.
You can equip a Primary weapon in your Secondary slot. - 25% Swap Speed
+ 75% Weapon Swap Speed When you take damage, your Accuracy is reduced for 3 seconds.