When you use a Medical Accessory, all teammates heal for 8 Health.
+ 50% Revive Speed When you use a Medical Accessory, it also heals 1 Trauma to the target.
+ 15% Healing Efficiency
You can sense nearby Support Accessories.
More Support Accessories spawn.
+ 1 Support Inventory + 15% Trauma Resistance
5% Item Reuse chance that increases by 10% after every item used. Resets on Reuse.
Gadget Cost: 20 Sniper rifle bullets.
When you or your team kills a Mutation gain 1% damage (up to 15%) until the end of the level.
+ 50% Ammo Capacity + 15% Reload Speed
Pain Meds you apply also grant + 20% Stamina Regen, + 15% Reload Speed, and + 15% Weapon Swap Speed for 60 seconds.
Pain Meds you apply also grant + 25% Damage for 60 seconds.
You have an additional 10% chance to not consume Accessories when used.
You can sense nearby Offensive Accessories.
More Offensive Accessories spawn.
Killing Ridden with an Accessory has a 10% chance to drop an Accessory.
+ 2 Offensive Inventory
Every 0.75 seconds you Aim Down Sights increases your Bullet Damage by 10% (up to 3 stacks).
+ 15% Reload Speed + 25% Aim Speed + 25% Weapon Swap Speed + 25% Use Speed