Heal 1 Temporary Health whenever you kill a Ridden within 2.5 meters.
+ 20% Melee Damage against Mutations When you deal Melee damage to a Mutation heal 2 Health and recover 3 Stamina.
Each Melee kill grants 5% Melee Damage, 5% Melee Speed and 5% Move Speed for 3 seconds.
Gain + 10% Damage Resistance while you have Temporary Health.
Melee hits always Stumble Ridden the first time they are hit. This effect can only occur once per target.
Melee hits cause the target to deal 3% reduced damage, to a maximum of 15% reduced damage.
Melee kills heal 1 Health and 0.1 Trauma.
+ 15 Melee Damage + 20% Damage Resistance while using a Melee weapon - 15% Ammo Capacity
Press [M2] with Melee weapons to perform a Heavy Attack.
Heavy Attacks deal 100% increased damage and expend 50% more Stamina.
+ 15% Melee Stamina Efficiency + 20% Melee Attack Speed + 15% Bow Stamina Efficiency + 20% Bow Attack Speed
+ 20% Stamina + 20% Stamina Regen + 3% Move Speed + 5 Health
+ 30% Weakspot Damage DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
Each Melee swing grants 5% Melee Speed and 5% Melee Stamina Efficiency for 6 seconds, stacking up to 10 times. Your Melee Attacks no longer stick in tough enemies. DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
+ 30% Weakspot Damage - 5% Damage Resistance
+ 5 Health + 10% Melee Stamina Efficiency + 20% Melee Attack Speed + 10% Bow Stamina Efficiency + 20% Bow Attack Speed