When a teammate within 15 meters receives Trauma Damage, gain 10% of that amount as Trauma Health.
Melee kills heal 1 Health and 0.1 Trauma.
When using Shotguns, gain 0.25 Temporary Health for each pellet that hits.
Heal 1 Temporary Health whenever you kill a Ridden within 2.5 meters.
+ 100% Fire Damage Kills with fire grant you 3 Temporary Health. You can sense flammable objects nearby.
When you take a single hit for 15 or more damage, heal 10 health over 5 seconds.
When a teammate within 15 meters receives 5 or more damage, gain 20% of the damage as Temporary Health. Can only trigger once per second.
When you throw an Offensive Accessory, gain 20 Temporary Health and 25% Sprint Speed for 5 seconds.
Your Temporary Health decays 20% slower. 1 Additional Pain Meds spawns in each map. + 5% Health
Kills while at Critical Health recover 1 Health.
When a horde is triggered, your team gains 20 Health.
+ 25% Healing Efficiency When you use a Medical Accessory, the target gains 20 Temporary Health.
+ 50% Healing Efficiency
When you or a teammate becomes incapacitated, all teammates heal for 20 Health over 10 seconds.
Melee kills heal 1 Health to yourself, and teammates within 10 meters.