When you kill an enemy, gain 5 Stamina instantly and an additional 7 Stamina over 7 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
Heal 1 Temporary Health whenever you kill a Ridden within 2.5 meters.
Melee kills heal 1 Health to yourself, and teammates within 10 meters.
+ 15 Melee Damage + 20% Damage Resistance while using a Melee weapon - 15% Ammo Capacity
Each Melee kill grants 5% Melee Damage, 5% Melee Speed and 5% Move Speed for 3 seconds.
+ 15% Melee Stamina Efficiency + 20% Melee Attack Speed + 15% Bow Stamina Efficiency + 20% Bow Attack Speed
Melee hits always Stumble Ridden the first time they are hit. This effect can only occur once per target.
Kills with Melee weapons have a 5% chance to spawn ammo or Razor Wire.
Each time your team loots Copper, you gain 3 additional Copper, up to 25 times.
You can sense nearby Copper.
More Copper Piles spawn.
You can sense nearby Support Accessories.
More Support Accessories spawn.
Defibrillators and First Aid recover 10 additional Trauma Damage and 1 Extra Life, if able.
+ 50% Healing Efficiency
+ 20% Team Overheal + 5% Team Healing Efficiency
When a horde is triggered, your team gains 20 Health.