+ 15% Reload Speed + 25% Aim Speed + 25% Weapon Swap Speed + 25% Use Speed
When you stow your weapon, it reloads.
Your secondary weapons have unlimited ammo. Your secondary weapons reload 20% slower.
+ 50% Reload Speed DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
+ 50% Accuracy DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
While crouching, gain 10% Damage Resistance and 40% Accuracy.
+ 25% Weapon Swap Speed + 15% Recoil Control + 15% Accuracy
Take 1 less damage from all Ridden.
+ 20% Team Bolstered Health + 5 Team Health
While crouching you neither take nor deal Friendly Fire damage. + 10 Health
+ 15% Damage Resistance + 10 Health DISABLES: Aim Down Sights
You can sense nearby Copper.
More Copper Piles spawn.
+ 125% Use Speed When you take damage, you have a chance to be blinded for 1 second.
Create a cloud that deals 20 Fire Damage to Weakspots. After the initial blast, continue to deal 1 damage per second for 7 seconds.
Gadget cost: 75 Assault Rifle bullets.
REPLACES: Support Slot
While shooting, gain 1% Damage, 1% Fire Rate, and 5% Swap Speed every 0.25 seconds. Max count of buffs is 20.